so this is the funniest one so far. we were really discussing and getting bored of the topic, what is like youth of today doesn't really take time for political thoughts. they take the easy way out and instead of building an opinion they make fun of every serious concern. so we chose a hipster wearing a stupid message-tshirt and out of nothing mr natterer himself just said, something like "tomatensaft? nein danke" because fukushima was around and everybody talks about "atomkraft? nein danke". anyway. i think this natterer-guy is a hit-machine and i tagged my friend hazy one.
Issue A P R I L | 11
in this issue the writer talks about women in jobs. female leaders. so we arranged a set inspired by delacroix's "La Liberte guidant le peuple". isn't it funny how the buisiness-men hang out there checking youporn on there ipads? or that guy holding the baby, showing that it's also normal now to be the house-husband. and in the background this lady walking with the stroller, trying not to see how powerful woman could be.
Issue M A Y | 11
so this is the funniest one so far. we were really discussing and getting bored of the topic, what is like youth of today doesn't really take time for political thoughts. they take the easy way out and instead of building an opinion they make fun of every serious concern. so we chose a hipster wearing a stupid message-tshirt and out of nothing mr natterer himself just said, something like "tomatensaft? nein danke" because fukushima was around and everybody talks about "atomkraft? nein danke". anyway. i think this natterer-guy is a hit-machine and i tagged my friend hazy one.
Issue A U G U S T | 11
wellness is banana. everybody tries to make himself feel better, instead of havin a good time by getting wasted with friends and trying to score wild in clubs, people prefer relaxing and taking it very easy in some stupid spa.
Issue N O V E M B E R | 11
the corporate body. you working for your company but the shifts isn't enough, you have to be part of the family. private life and work is not seperated anymore. your company forces you to work/live like if it is sort of a religion or applied lifestyle.
Issues from Neon-magazine
for the opener i decorated a room where a nice shaped man does the tiger for a random lady. which chick doesn't like to get layed on a zebra-sofa including a chubaka-fountain? i have exactly these curtains for my flatscreen at home and a hunt-trophy-head of my ex-girlfriend on my wall.
Jag har ägnat de senaste dagarna åt att försöka mig på att göra modeteckningar till skolan, men jag är trött på att göra tråkiga. Så jag tänkte göra lite roligare, åt mer illustrationshållet. Dock är det sjukt svårt att göra roliga, men samtidigt fina saker.
Den konsten har dock den lille mannen som gjort alla illustrationer ovan lyckats med. Älskar vaggy-burgern! Han heter Frank Höhne. Han hittade jag på http://www.freundevonfreunden.com/ . Han har en sjukt fancy lägenhet, min freundis-favvis, så att säga.
Sen är han sjukt fräsch. Just saying..
Kolla in hans lya på http://www.freundevonfreunden.com/interviews/frank-hoehne/#video
I would tap that.
Kommer driva runt i Kreuzberg på jakt, hahha.
Fridens liljor


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